The letter K has been part of the alphabet for a long time, since the Phoenicians. While it's only moderately common in English, it's a universal sound. Nearly every language has words that include the K sound. This list of K words for kids is designed to engage students with these unique words with the traditional K sound, as well as those with a silent K.
Preschool/Kindergarten Words That Start With K
English abounds with simple, important K words that kids are exposed to from a young age. This list of K words focuses on words that make the traditional K sound, to start young learners in pre-k and kindergarten off with vocabulary basics to build on over time.
- kangaroo: a large Australian mammal that hops
- keep: to hold onto, to retain for yourself; or another word for a castle
- ketchup: a smooth spiced tomato-based sauce
- key: a tool to open a lock
- keyboard: the panel of buttons for using a computer
- kick: to strike with the foot
- kid: a young person or a baby goat
- kin: family; people you are related to
- kind: good and gentle; or a particular type of person, place or thing
- king: the male ruler of a monarchy
- kiss: to touch lightly with one's lips
- kit: a set of parts for building something
- kitchen: room for preparing food
- kite: a four-sided flat shape to fly on a windy day
- kitten: a young cat
- koala: a tree-living Australian marsupial that looks like a tiny bear
Printable Worksheet: Trace the Letter K
This simple activity is all about helping pre-K and kindergarten students make a visual and tactile connection with the letter K. This trace-the-letter activity is designed to help the youngest students develop the ability to recognize and write the letter K.

Worksheet: Matching K Words to Pictures
Young learners will find this printable worksheet to be as engaging and fun as it is educational. Their task is simple: just match words to pictures. They can also color the pictures to further reinforce the concepts.

K words for kids matching activity
Click to View & DownloadEarly Elementary Words That Start With K
This early elementary word list includes words with the K sound and some that feature a silent K as the first letter. Most are concrete rather than abstract, as is most appropriate for first and second graders. Visual aids will help young students grasp what the words describe.
- keel: the main beam at the bottom of a boat
- keen: sharp, either literally like a keen edge or figuratively like a keen mind
- keg: a small barrel
- kelp: long strands of algae that form forests in the ocean
- kibble: dry pet food
- kidney: an organ that filters unhealthy chemicals from the body
- kiln: an oven for drying pottery
- kindle: to light a fire, or to inspire or interest someone in something
- knee: the joint in the middle of the leg
- knit: to join together loops of yarn to make something
- kneel: to go down on one or both knees
- knock: to strike lightly with a closed fist in order to make noise, as on a door
- knob: what you turn to open a door
- knot: a way of tying rope or string
- knife: a tool to cut things
- know: to understand
- knowledge: things people know
- knuckle: a joint in a finger
- krill: tiny crustaceans that live in the ocean, often eaten by whales
Silent K Practice
The big next step in these words is the silent K. We've included several words that begin with a silent K. Verbal games such as saying these words aloud to a rhythm, or choosing multiple students, each with one word they must repeat when another word is said, will familiarize your students with this oddity of English.
Writing About K Words for Kids
Encourage students to go beyond just recognizing these K words with writing activities. Assign them to write complete sentences, or even whole stories focused on vocabulary words from the list. Use these elementary school writing prompts to help them get started, with the caveat that they need to include some K words from this list.
Upper Elementary: Things That Start With K
From third through fifth grade, it's important for young learners to continue building a strong vocabulary while also engaging with the context and larger significance of the words they are learning. Building on the previous list, this one includes words that begin with the K sound, as well as those in which the K is silent.
- karate: a martial art
- kayak: a small boat pointed at both ends, rowed with a double-ended oar
- kazoo: a small wind instrument that produces a buzzing sound
- keepsake: an object kept to remember something or someone
- khaki: a stiff light brown fabric, or pants made from that fabric
- kilt: a Scottish plaid skirt worn by men
- kimono: a traditional Japanese ankle-length robe.
- kindred: people who are similar to each other
- kiosk: a small storefront or booth
- kiwi: a small fuzzy tropical fruit
- klutz: a clumsy person
- knack: a natural skill or talent
- knead: to work dough with the hands
- kneepad: a soft protective pad for the knee
- knight: a European nobleman
- kook: a strange or eccentric person
- kudos: raise for an achievement
Enhance Vocabulary With Visual Aids
Many of these words that start with K for kids can be reinforced with videos and other visual aids. Your students are likely to enjoy videos of knights jousting or karate demonstrations, and what they see will help them associate images with these vocabulary words.
More K Word Writing Practice
Continue encouraging students to build their writing skills with writing assignments focused on vocabulary words. Use these upper elementary writing prompts to help them get started drafting stories or poems that incorporate K words from this list. Explore even more writing prompts that include worksheets for students to use in class or for homework.
The Letter K Is Everywhere
One of the unique qualities of K as a letter is that its sound occurs in almost every spoken language. Since English is so rich in derivatives and borrowed words, this creates a wide range of vocabulary to engage your students' minds, even when you're focused solely on K words for kids. Keep going with your K words! WordFinder's list of words that begin with the letter K includes an advanced search feature, which allows you to add even more K words to your vocabulary list. They will kindle a love of learning in your kindergartners and keen older kids alike!
For more enriching vocabulary activities, move on to the next letter of the alphabet to explore words that start with L for kids. Your little learners are likely to love exploring this list of lovely words.